Maria Montessori on the Importance of Children's Furniture in Early Development
Maria Montessori , the innovative educator, was not only interested in teaching; she wanted to understand how children developed best. A decisive aspect of her approach was the importance...

Find the perfect activity stand: Tips for choosing the right one for your child and home
Are you looking for a stylish activity stand that can provide your child with stimulation while ensuring that your home is not overcrowded with too many bright and colorful toys? If so, then you n...

Ideas for good sensory play for children
Sensory and motor skills are connected. A good sensory integration helps to control the body's movements and a good motor control makes it easier to explore new sensory impressions. Get ideas for ...

Sansemotorisk træning styrker dit barns neurologiske fundament
Sagt på hverdagsdansk, så er det godt for hjernen at lege med både sanser og motorik. Få et børneergoterapeutisk input og et par konkrete idéer til sanselege med dit barn her. Hvad er det så for...

The big guide to wool for children
Wool is a favorite in many families with children and for good reason. Wool is a natural product with very special properties and there are many fine types of wool on the market which neither scra...

Toys for activity stands: 3 ideas for hanging
Hvem har mest glæde af et aktivitetsstativ? Din baby, som ligger under stativet og får et nogenlunde afgrænset sanseindtryk? Eller mor, som får hænderne fri et øjeblik, mens babyen er optaget af f...